Regulated Financial Institutions - Verify a License
If you have difficulty finding a company believed to be operating in Virginia or a specific office location, please call the Bureau of Financial Institutions at (804) 371-9657 for assistance.
This site provides a list Virginia Chartered Banks. The banks are listed alphabetically by name. Included with each bank is its mailing address, chief executive officer, and authorized banking office(s). The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Check Cashers Registered in Virginia
This site provides a list of companies that have registered as check cashers in Virginia. The companies are listed alphabetically and include all location(s) that have been registered. For companies that utilize trade names, the registrant's d/b/a name is included following its primary name. The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Consumer Finance Companies Licensed in Virginia
Note: The find mechanism of the Adobe reader can be used to find the licensee by entering any known search string of its name, location(s), or license number.
This site provides a list of companies licensed to conduct consumer finance business in Virginia. The licensees are listed alphabetically by company name, along with license number and address of each authorized office. The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Virginia licenses do not have expiration dates. They remain in effect until surrendered, suspended, or revoked.
Credit Counseling Agencies Licensed in Virginia
Note: The find mechanism of the Adobe reader can be used to find the licensee by entering any known search string of its name or location(s).
This site provides a list of companies licensed as credit counseling agencies in Virginia. The licensees are listed alphabetically by company name, along with authorized location(s). For companies that utilize trade names, the licensee's d/b/a name is included following its primary name. The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Virginia Chartered Credit Unions
This site provides a list of Virginia chartered credit unions operating in Virginia. The credit unions are listed alphabetically name, along with authorized location(s). The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Debt Settlement Services Provider
Note: The find mechanism of the Adobe reader can be used to find the licensee by entering any known search string of its name or location(s).
This site provides a list of open companies licensed as debt settlement services providers in Virginia. The licensees are listed alphabetically by company name, along with authorized location(s). For companies that utilize trade names, the licensee's d/b/a name is included following its primary name. The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
There are currently no Virginia Chartered Independent Trust Companies.
Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Consumer Access
The above link, administered by the NMLS, allows you to verify whether a company is licensed Virginia to engage in the business of selling money orders or money transmission.
Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Consumer Access
The above link, administered by the NMLS, allows you to verify whether a mortgage lender and/or broker is licensed in Virginia pursuant to Chapter 16, Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Virginia Mortgage Loan Originator Licensees
The above link, administered by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS), allows you to verify whether a particular individual holds a Virginia Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) license pursuant to Chapter 17, Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia.
There are currently no licensed motor vehicle title lenders in Virginia.
Sales-Based Financing Providers and Brokers Registered in Virginia
This site provides a list of companies that have registered as a sales-based financing provider or sales-based financing broker in Virginia. The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Virginia Chartered Savings Institutions
This site provides a list Virginia Chartered Savings Institutions. The savings institutions are listed alphabetically by name. Included with each savings institution is its mailing address, chief executive officer, and authorized office(s). The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Short-Term Lenders Licensed in Virginia
Note: The find mechanism of the Adobe reader can be used to find the licensee by entering any known search string of its name, location(s), or license number.
This site provides a list of companies licensed to conduct short-term lending business in Virginia. The licensees are listed alphabetically by company name, along with license number and authorized location(s). For companies that utilize trade names, the licensee's d/b/a name is included following its primary name. The information is current as of the date listed on the report.
Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS) Consumer Access
The above link, administered by the NMLS, allows you to verify whether a student loan servicer (qualified education loan servicer) is licensed in Virginia pursuant to Chapter 26, Title 6.2 of the Code of Virginia.