Affordable Care Act
This page contains some important information for consumers related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (PPACA) (Public Law. No. 111-148) or the "Affordable Care Act” or “ACA”.
- Commonwealth Health Reinsurance Program Public Forum
- Essential Health Benefits Benchmark Plan
- Reinsurance- Virginia's Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver
- Bureau of Insurance Statement Regarding the Extension of Health Insurance Plans (11/19/2014)
- Bureau of Insurance Statement Concerning Policy Renewals and Discontinuances (10/02/2014)
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) website on Health Care Reform
- FEMA Special Enrollment Period – See if you qualify
- Plan Finder
- Rate Review
- Key Features of the Affordable Care Act Provisions
- Information on Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Benchmark Plans
- Search Public Filings to find and review all ACA-related submissions submitted to the Bureau since June 10, 2010 and make public comments regarding health insurance premium rates.
- Find a basic profile of your insurance company and information about Medical Loss Ratios (MLR)
Important Note: This information is not intended to be an opinion, legal or otherwise, on the Affordable Care Act, nor should it be construed as a position of the Bureau of Insurance or the Virginia State Corporation Commission on the ACA or any of its provisions. It is presented to assist Virginia consumers in understanding the ACA and how it may impact them.
As with all your insurance questions, we encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about the Affordable Care Act.