- 2023 Plan Year Implementation Calendar
- Product Information
- Health Carriers
- Life & Health Data Calls
- Long Term Care Annual Rate Reports (Instructions and Reporting Forms)
- Long Term Care Forms (14 VAC 5-200)
- Common Problems Identified by the L&H Market Conduct Section
- Medicare Supplement Forms (14 VAC 5-170)
- Credit Insurance Experience Exhibit and Questionnaire
- Shared Savings Program Demonstration (§38.2-3462) Carriers submit updates for review prior to offering any Program that varies from the previously filed and reviewed Program. See Administrative Letter 2020-01 for submission requirements and information.
- Shared Savings Annual Report (§ 38.2-3462) (Due April 1)
- Virginia Group Health Insurance Medical History Form (currently unavailable)
- Interstate Insurance Compact
- The Interstate Insurance Compact is an important modernization initiative that benefits state insurance regulators, consumers and the insurance industry. The Compact established a multi-state public entity, the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission (IIPRC) which serves the Member States. The IIPRC serves as a central point of electronic filing for certain insurance products, including life insurance, annuities, disability income and long-term care insurance to develop uniform product standards, affording a high level of protection to purchasers of asset protection insurance products. We encourage insurance companies to submit filings through the Interstate Compact. Learn more about the Compact.